Hmmm... I was wondering where it all stems from.. read on, i found it very interesting!
An Interview with Maulana
Sami ul-Haq
The Jamestown Foundation (May 23, 2007)
By Imtiaz Ali
Maulana Sami ul-Haq is the director and chancellor of Pakistan's famous
madrassa, Darul uloom Haqqania, Akora Khattak. He has served in this post since
the death of his father, Maulana Abdul ul-Haq, the founder of the madrassa, in
1988. Darul uloom Haqqania is where many of the top Taliban leaders, including
its fugitive chief, Mullah Omar, attended. It is widely believed that the
madrassa was the launching pad for the Taliban movement in the early 1990s,
which is why Sami ul-Haq is also called the "Father of the Taliban." Besides
running his madrassa, Maulana Sami has a long political history as a religious
politician. He was among the founders of Pakistan's Muttahida Muttahida
Majlis-e-Amal (MMA) coalition of six Islamic religious parties. He recently
spoke with Jamestown analyst Imtiaz Ali.
Imtiaz Ali: During the Russian invasion, the students from your
madrassa were traveling to Afghanistan to fight, after which most of them were
eventually inducted as governors and administrators in the Taliban government.
Is the same thing continuing today? Are you still sending people to Afghanistan
for jihad?
Maulana Sami ul-Haq: No, there were not only Taliban who took part in
jihad. This is an incorrect assumption, which needs correction. After the
Russian invasion of Afghanistan, people from all walks of life went to
Afghanistan for jihad. Students from colleges and universities went more than
madrassa students.
IA: But it is an undeniable fact that students who graduated from your
madrassa played a significant role in the establishment of the Taliban regime.
SH: Well, the Taliban were busy in their studies when the factional
wars in Afghanistan reached their climax. Naturally, when the leaders could not
make it, the students had to come to the rescue of the war-torn country. Thus,
the Taliban rushed back to rescue their country from the factional fighting.
Similarly, when America attacked Afghanistan in late 2001, the same event
happened—it is understandable that when infidels attack a Muslim country, then
it is the duty of every Muslim to defend it. Maulana Sufi Muhammad of
Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat- e-Mohammadi (TNSM) also took thousands of people for
jihad, which was a commendable action. The U.S. attack on Afghanistan was a
clear act of aggression and terrorism. But when someone rises up against U.S.
aggression, then he is called a terrorist. It is a strange and illogical
IA: There were reports that the Taliban leadership had called for fresh
reinforcements in connection with its spring offensive in Afghanistan. Is this
SH: These are just baseless reports. Had they called upon the madrassa
students, they would have called us for the reinforcements or at least we would
know. The Taliban are not that organized. They are living in caves. They lack
proper communication and logistics systems, and that is why they do not want new
recruits. The Afghans themselves have risen up and they are fighting against
American and NATO forces.
IA: If they would ask you for help, what would be your reaction?
SH: They would never ask us. We ourselves have not sent students before
nor will we send them now. It is not our madrassa policy to do so.
IA: What would you call the situation in Afghanistan? Is that jihad?
SH: When the red forces of the Soviet Union entered Afghanistan, it was
a war of independence and we all agreed that it was jihad. Even the United
States had said that the Russians must be ousted from Afghanistan. When Russia
left, the United States committed the same aggression. So, the situation is the
same. One infidel force replaced another. No difference at all. Whether it is
Russia or America, it is a jihad.
IA: Some analysts call it a Pashtun uprising. What do you think?
SH: It is neither a Pashtun uprising or a Persian one, or a Sunni
uprising or a Shiite. In fact, the Afghan nation has risen up against the
invaders—the United States and its allies. It is a war of independence. After
the fall of the Taliban regime, the Afghan people remained quiescent for two
years to see if any positive change would come into their lives. But they did
not see anything that was promised to them at the time of the collapsing Taliban
regime and that is why they started this revolt against the occupied forces. It
is now a war of independence for all Afghans. They want to get rid of the
U.S.-led occupation forces. Terming it only a Pashtun uprising is a completely
incorrect assumption.
IA: Do you not consider the Karzai-led government in Afghanistan a
Muslim government?
SH: We have nothing to do with the Islam of Karzai. It is not our
business to issue a decree about him being Muslim or non-Muslim. We just want an
end to the suffering of the Afghan people. We ask the current Afghan rulers to
start negotiations with the Taliban and other jihadi forces to pave the way for
a durable peace in the war-torn country.
IA: It does not matter to you, then, if there is a Karzai-led
government or the Taliban, just as long as it is an Afghan government?
SH: We say that there should be no foreign interference in Afghanistan,
and the Afghans themselves should come up with a solution. All the factions—the
leaders, the Taliban, the jihadi forces—should come forward and work together
for peace. They should decide their fate in the absence of foreign interference.
But I firmly believe that there is no chance for peace and stability in
Afghanistan until the presence of foreign troops is removed.
IA: What are your thoughts on the flow of fighters between Afghanistan
and Pakistan over the Durand Line?
SH: Like I said earlier, it is an Afghan uprising against foreign
invaders and it has nothing to do with cross-border terrorism and the flow of
fighters from Pakistan.
IA: Why, then, has the government decided to fence and plant mines on
the Pakistani side of the border? Do you approve of that?
SH: I oppose this plan because the Pashtun nation on both sides of the
border shares cultural, racial and religious values. Their lives are
intertwined. They are all Muslims. They are one nation. Fencing the border will
not solve the problem. The main reason behind the tension on the Pakistan-Afghan
border is the presence of U.S.-led foreign troops in Afghanistan. The day they
leave Afghanistan, there will be no tension at all.
IA: With the ban on foreign students' admission in the religious
seminaries in 2003 by the government, has enrollment of the students changed in
your madrassa?
SH: That ban is a total violation of our fundamental rights. People
from here go to the United States and the United Kingdom for studies. Similarly,
students from other countries come to Pakistan for education. That was a kind of
service we were providing to the Muslim students from other countries. But this
ban is an unconstitutional, inhumane and unlawful act. The government has taken
this step only to appease the United States and its other Western masters. It is
a shame for us because India is a secular country, but has been issuing visas to
students from all Muslim countries who want to come to India for education.
IA: But there have been accusations that terrorists are being trained
here in the madrassas.
SH: This is nothing more than an example of the perpetual propaganda
against the madrassa system. This is what we have been hearing, but so far no
one has produced any solid evidence.
IA: The mystery has always been shrouded by the lack of an audit of the
money being received by madrassas, correct?
SH: We are not bound by the government to audit our funding system
because they do not give us any money. First, let them give us funds for running
our madrassas and then we will let them have their audit. Why are they taking
pains when they are not giving us a penny? Only those who give us financial
support have the right to audit our funds. We have our system of donations and
we do not accept any donations from the government. I also want to make it clear
that we keep a record of all our donations and funding. The funding is being
registered and we prepare annual reports and then those reports are printed
along with the names of the donors.
IA: Who gives you the donations for running this big madrassa?
SH: Common Muslims. And the majority of the funding comes from the
poorer classes of society. They know that madrassas are the forts of Islam and
the students in madrassas are the real guardians of Islam. God's religion is
flourishing in the madrassas. These people cut their meager domestic budget and
give us donations. This is how they express their love of Allah almighty and
save the integrity of these madrassas.
IA: Is Musharraf validated in meddling with religious issues
considering he is supposed to be the leader of a secular government?
SH: He has been doing all this just to appease the United States and
his other Western masters.
IA: To what extent could a nuclear Iran pose a potential threat to the
strength of Pakistan?
SH: Iran is not a threat to Pakistan at all. Iran is giving the United
States a tough time in the region and seems quite determined to acquire nuclear
power status. Muslims all over the world are happy about this move because there
should be someone who has the courage to demonstrate the religious strength to
look into the eyes of the United States. We support Iran. Besides, we would not
allow the Pakistani leadership to toe the U.S. line in dealing with Iran, as
they have done in the case of Afghanistan.
IA: There has been speculation that Iran has ambitions for a "Shiite
Crescent" in the Middle East. What is your opinion of this?
SH: This is U.S. propaganda aimed at dividing the strength of Muslims.
The Shiite-Sunni issue has been created by the United States just to hide its
failure in Iraq and to achieve its goals in the Middle East. Besides, the United
States is also creating poisonous propaganda against Iran for intervening in
Iraq's affairs just to malign its position in the world community. It is
baseless. I was in Iran two months ago where I held meetings with the top
Iranian leadership. I urged them to counter U.S. propaganda and try to satisfy
Kurds, Arabs and Sunnis. I clearly told them that if you [Iran] need the support
of the whole Muslim ummah, then you have to garner support against the United
States, not only from Shiites but also from Sunnis.
IA: What do you think of Lashkar-e-Jangvi, TNSM and other jihadi
outfits in Pakistan?
SH: Lashkar-e-Jangvi and similar organizations are the continuity of
the Kashmir problem. These jihadi forces were patronized by the Pakistani
intelligence agency, the ISI, with full state support for their activities in
Kashmir. But when Pakistan came under immense pressure, then this whole drama
was wrapped up and that is why a ban was put on these jihadi organizations. It
is all a dictated policy from the West.
IA: What do you think about the latest spate of suicide bombings in
SH: This is not a surprise. This new suicide phenomenon in Pakistan is
the direct outcome of the government's policies, particularly the unjust
military operations in the tribal belt along the Afghan border. Today, Pakistani
forces are at the highest level of danger and risk due to the flawed policies of
General Musharraf in the name of fighting the so-called war on terror. This is
what I had forewarned about in the past, that if the government did not stop
these unjust military operations, then attacks on military posts and violence
would not be confined to the tribal areas, but will spread to the rest of the
country. Today, you see that this is happening.
IA: Do you think that suicide attacks are fair?
SH: The bombers would not ask us to confirm whether it is fair or
unfair. It is better you ask this question to the suicide bombers, whose family
members have been killed and houses have been bombed. They themselves decided
what they had to do. They would not ask any mullah. But they do think that they
will go straight to paradise.
IA: Who do you think these bombers are?
SH: They are young and emotional Muslims. When they see that their
leaders have surrendered to the United States and its allies, then they do not
see any other way out except for the option of suicide bombing. Among them are
students of modern universities who see how the Western powers are destroying
Muslims around the world. Suicide bombing is an international phenomenon now.
These young people do not receive any suicide training or motivation in a
madrassa or a mosque. They watch it on their TVs—the dead bodies of Muslim
brothers. They see that Muslims are being killed in various part of the world.
When they see these atrocities, they go their own way. If the international
community wants to put an end to this kind of activity, it is high time for them
to ponder solutions to issues like Palestine, Iraq and Kashmir.
IA: Besides your madrassa role, how do you see your role as a
politician in the political field?
SH: My role is very clear as a madrassa teacher as it is as a
politician. I want a true Islamic system in Pakistan. That is my simple goal.
The current Pakistani system of governance was introduced by the British Raj,
which means we are still enslaved by that colonial legacy. Our economy,
education and judicial system stem from the same exploitative British rule. I
want to introduce real Sharia, which was implemented by the four caliphs of
IA: Will you support Musharraf in the upcoming presidential elections?
SH: We have not yet decided about the upcoming elections. But I think
they will be a fraud and a futile exercise in the name of democracy. Elections
are part of democracy, but here they have become a fraud. In my 37-year career
as a politician, I have seen a particular group of politicians from a particular
group of families ruling this country. They have made their own dynasties. Since
the creation of Pakistan, they have just been replacing one another, with no big
change in policies. I am in favor of a bloodless revolution, which would
completely overhaul the existing system. I just wonder, how can a democracy
flourish in the shadow of a military uniform? The present one is a shame of a
IA: Do you think that with his support for the war on terror,
Musharraf's popularity has increased or decreased at home?
SH: Absolutely decreased. First, look at the declining popularity of
President Bush in his own country. So, how can Musharraf be popular for his role
in the so-called war on terror? The reports about his increasing popularity are
just rubbish.
IA: Will Musharraf be able to maintain control over Pakistan?
SH: Well, people are not happy with what he is doing here in Pakistan.
The overwhelming majority of the masses are opposing his policies, particularly
the much talked about "enlightened moderation." After bringing changes to the
Hudood laws, now his government might soon amend the blasphemy laws. But he does
not understand that the Pakistani people will sacrifice their lives on the issue
of blasphemy. All these actions demonstrate his unpopularity among the masses.
IA: Is an Islamic revolution a possibility in Pakistan's future?
SH: Anything is possible. But the most important thing to keep in mind
is that the motive behind the creation of Pakistan was the establishment of an
Islamic state for the Muslims of India. Establishment of Sharia is the logical
conclusion of Pakistan's creation.
IA: How do see yourself and your role in the next 10 years, and how can
you contribute to the peaceful revolution you mentioned earlier?
SH: I'll see how events unfold in the future. However, I'm optimistic
that after 10 years, the whole Muslim ummah will have awakened from its deep
slumber; Pakistan is no exception. I think that the vast majority of Pakistanis
will not tolerate what is going on here as silent spectators. Here is also a
lesson for the United States: to learn from what happened to the former
superpower the USSR. It should address the problems of the world in a positive
way and address the sense of deprivation being created in the people of this
region and especially in the Muslim ummah. Things have drastically changed. With
the way they [the United States and its Western allies] inflict cruelties and
damages on the Muslim ummah, there will be a strong response. Now, the Muslims
have awakened. It is time for the United States to act responsibly. Otherwise,
there will be tit-for-tat attacks.
IA: Do you think that the suicide bombing phenomenon is a kind of
SH: Look, if you kick a sleeping man, he will not only wake but will
also resist. So, yes, suicide bombing is an awakening. Tell me, where did the
concept of suicide bombing in Pakistan come? We had not heard about any suicide
bombings in the more than two decades of the Afghan conflict. But this is a new
and unbeatable discovery which some Muslim youth have found as an answer to the
cruelties and damages being inflicted on the Muslim ummah.
IA: Can Western governments have a healthy relationship with Pakistan
through foreign aid or development work?
SH: The first step is sovereignty and respect, and only then can
foreign aid work. Until the United States and the West respect the sovereignty
of Muslim countries and stop their aggression and atrocities, nothing will work.
Monday, 28 May 2007
The Father of the Taliban
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Do I belong here?

My only motivation is my job, the work load increases but day by day I am liking it more. It’s not too bad! But I have come to realised one thing- I don’t blend with these people AT ALL! I am more alien in this place than I was in Australia. funnily enough, when I used to tell Australians I was born in Australia, they considered me as one of their own. Here, although they verbally consider me their own, their behaviour says otherwise. And I can’t blend in with these people. I hate referring to them as ‘these people’ but it’s actually the nationals. The nationals in my office are alright, they’re not bad- but we disagree in many areas. There’s perhaps only one which I get along with and that’s because they’ve spent time in Canada. I’m always singled out as being not ‘Afghan’ and since I started working here, I realised that I’m not as ‘afghan’ as I thought. I am as confused as ever. All I know is that I am a Muslim and I have every right to be one- no one can judge my faith but God.
The internationals (especially the Australians) are excellent. I get along with them as good as ever! XX came to the office today and offered me stickers, Australian flags and kangaroos. I also got the chance to ‘speak’ with an Afghan American whose returned to Afghanistan to work. I was able to relate better with them than the internationals- because we both felt exactly the same, neither of us got along with the nationals because of the huge gap. We both felt like never had a conversation as good as that in ages. Our head of security is really cool, he’s so nice to talk to! He really watches out for us.
As for the rest of the afghans, I hate to say this but if they hadn’t gotten any experience from the internationals, I doubt I would have been able to survive a day at work.
There was another suicide bomb on Jalalabad Road (one of the busiest and most dangerous roads in Kabul). Two police killed.
Kidnappings still the same, the fourteen year old son of a UNDP worker returned home. But the son of another UN employee has been kidnapped and was held ransom, they paid 1000USD on the spot to release him.
Mum asked me whether I found the work environment better in Australia or in Afghanistan. Dad thinks that there’s more respect here for women. But that’s just wrong! I have come to the conclusion that in the west if a woman wears hijab or dresses modestly (non-muslim women included), men don’t make remarks or disrespectful gestures. However, in Afghanistan a woman is disrespected, sworn at, guys make remarks/comments regardless of what the woman is wearing- even if it’s a head to toe covering burqa/ chadari. It’s disturbing! Not even the hijab is able to protect a woman here- even if the west is ‘evil’ and a non Islamic regime, at least a hijabi is respected and looked upto in society.
Malalai Joya has also been dismissed from parliament just a few days ago, she compared the parliament to a ‘stable’ and the parliamentarians to horses and donkeys. As much as I admire her courage and her dedication to help the poor, I think her lack of education is clearly evident in her speaking skills. She isn’t an eloquent speaker, and regardless of her ideas and supporting evidences, if one doesn’t have speaking skills then it’s very likely for them to be shunned.
Another MP I admire is Bashardost. He lives for the poor! His wages is 40000 Afs a month (which has the value of $4000 in Australia). he lives in a small house, drives an old volvo (not a $40 000 4WD like other MPs). He gives the rest to the poor! He doesn’t want to get married because of afghans pathetic culture of $20 000 weddings when there are thousands of people starving for food outside the wedding hall.
The boys in the office played a cruel joke on me this morning! I call them boys because they’re really young, but they’re all married or engaged! So young! I got to the office on time, there was only Ws in the office. Soon enough Bsr came arrived, it started off with me asking Bsr of his wedding date- he told me it’s his second wedding. i was about to start lecturing him on the implications of having more than one wife when Ws added that Bsr’s first wife helped in the search for Bsr’s second wife. That’s when I took a stance and started saying it’s immoral and unfair! Nsr took my side (he’s from Hrt so he’s pretty moderate and smart). Nsr said that islam only allows for more than wife, only and only if equality is possible. He stressed on the point that apart from the prophet, no one is able to equalise. Ws continued saying that he can never marry one wife, he’s going to marry seven because he doesn’t believe he can commit to one woman for the rest of his life. I was completely stunned! I couldn’t believe that these ‘modern’ guys could say something like this. I kept saying it’s not fair for the woman. Ws said that it’s because women in Afghanistan have a big heart and the western women are jealous and they don’t want to share their man. I was so angry! I told them that it’s not jealousy- it’s commitment, faithfulness and loyalty.
Anyways, this continued for half an hour longer until Sdq walked in and said the truth- it’s Bsr’s first wedding. I got Ws to admit whether he meant what he said or not. Thankfully, he said no! I was relieved, for the very reason that if these guys represented Afghanistan’s ‘modern’ boys, then I wonder what the other boys would be like.
The entire purpose of their joke was for them to see how I would react, as a woman. But they played their roles pretty good!
Can't remember when this was.. a week ago
So my only hope is to buy fabric and head to the tailors and pray to God for a miracle.
Flies have been annoying me like crazy! It’s not even summer yet and they’re already out!
Nothing else to say really- all I’ve been doing is working! I have a uni assignment due on Monday. So things are pretty full on.
Things are getting pretty bad here, another little boy was kidnapped the other day- a relative of his works for an international company. Another young guy (aged 18-19) has been kidnapped and his captors seek a ransom of US$450 000. It’s been nearly two weeks. The ‘authorities’ can’t do anything!
I’m not scared- I mean I’ve come to Afghanistan from Australia, people think I’m loaded with millions of dollars, I work for an international organisation so I’m set for any consequences that I have to face. I expect many challenges and I’m willing to face them (if they come my way). it would be naïve of me to consider myself safe. My only fear is for my family. I just pray to God to watch over them and all other afghan expatriates and non-afghans who have returned with the genuine intention of helping rebuild Afghanistan.
Where I work, our street is being watched at all times by ‘enemies’. We were told to take precautionary measures.
gotta go, ba omideh dedaar...
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
Laughter- the best medicine!
Security was really tight this morning, every 20 metres, an Afghan National Police was stationed on both sides of the road.
Monday, 14 May 2007
My lovely, wuvly Farkhunda!
I remember the time when I used to call Farkhunda ‘qand’ and in reply she used to call me Kholajan. I never used to understand and she’d explain to me that old ladies say ‘qand’ etc. Only now do I understand how annoying it is! Lol. The other day I was asking for directions from an old lady and she was like ‘weee qandolak’. And it just irritated me!
Went out yesterday with my sister alone to Shahre Naw (an area with normal ppl) for the first time ever! At first, I was chickening out and then I eventually got used to it. Wasn’t too bad.
Also went to a wedding last night and hens night the night before that. It was alright, too much unwanted attention- for no other reason other than we were from khaarij. The wedding was dads cousin’s niece. She married her relative from Austria.
Went to work today, tiring because I didn’t get enough sleep last night- wedding! I left the house early, but it took an hour to get there. there were road blocks and ISAF troops everywhere, on foot and in cars! I figured there must have been something wrong- probably a suicide bomb. But it was because of Mr Dadullah whose been killed so they feared a Taliban uproar. They showed his dead body on TV. I found out when I got to work.
Works going well, it’s a bit scarey because some of my colleagues get prank/ threats.
As I said, it’s hard to trsut people so I’m still finding it a bit difficult ‘blending in’ with Afghans.
I’m really tired. It’s 935pm. I need to catch up on sleep.
Oh yeah and Farkhunda, there have been kakagaks proposing. REAL kakagaks. No joke! Okay fine, not old enough to be kakagak, but still.. you know what I mean, right? Or do you want me to explain? No, not working.
Ba omideh deedaar, khuda negahdaar.
Say hello to my new friends- stomach cysts!
After receiving results for a medical check up (as required by my new job) I met my new friends. I am told to take medication (eugh) and avoid take away food, tap water and wash all vegetables with potassium permanganate before consumption.
No wonder I’ve been feeling sick and nauseous lately.
Have been very busy of late.
Tuesday- went shopping for my sisters engagement dress. OMG it was a challenge! It was literally shop til you drop. Result: we found a realllllly nice dress! Thanks to my taste.
Wednesday- organised my job requirements. They wanted me to start today but I declined as it was too sudden. Told them I will start tomorrow (Thursday- also last day of the week in Afghanistan).
Thursday- First day at work! Much more pleasant than expected. Settled in quite well. Most colleagues were surprised as to why I had applied as a national and not as an international employee. Another Afghan-Australian at the office is also employed as a national. His reason is so that he remains low key (haven’t met him yet, just heard this from other colleagues). I asked my ‘concerned’ colleagues what the difference was- national or international (I knew the answer, but I wanted them to say it). Salary difference! Then I explained my reason to them.
My reason? Well, I told them that I hadn’t come to Afghanistan for jeeb porr kaddan (filling pockets with money). That quietened them.
Another aussie works in our office, he’s from Queensland. we had a chat about Australia- it was great meeting someone from home.
The boys with whom I share an office with, are normal. So I don’t have a problem, there are quite a few weirdos around but my superiors told me to let them know if they ever make me feel uneasy. It’s my pleasure! But I’m not in direct contact with the ‘weirdoes’ (guards) unless it’s entering or exiting the compound.
Work hours are looooong- eight to five with a one hour lunch break! Thankfully, we have a two day break (as all international companies do) Friday and Saturday.
BB completed my shopping! So happy, so very happy!
There’s a hen’s night tonight (aka Henna night)- some distant relative is getting married to some afghan dude from london. Stomach feels funny- not in the mood of going! The wedding is tomorrow night. Hmmmm…..
My parents and grandma have gone to hamaam. I didn’t go this time because last time I felt totally sick (that’s partly the reason). The other part of the reason is that I just don’t like the place. Farkhunda, you’re so right!
There was an interview on TV the other night with Malalay Joya (MP for Farah province). 28 years of age, 12 body guards. She makes incredible comments on issues- fellow MP’s, former communist regimes in Afghanistan, the mujahideen fighters, warlords and the list goes on. Joya calls herself ‘the voice of Farahs underprivileged’ and she’s also realised that by speaking out against certain groups she’s putting herself in great danger (not to mention water bottles being thrown at her in parliament and being beaten by fellow women MPs a while ago). Joya realised this and claims that by speaking out (initiated 3 years ago) she’s geared in her kafan (burial dressing for the dead).
Whether I agree or disagree with her viewpoints is a different case, but I admire her courage and passion as an afghan woman (even though she gets a bit emotional at times).
Until next time…….
Ba omideh deedaar, khuda negahdaar.
Monday, 7 May 2007
Yes! I got the job...
thabbit lee ala hathaddeen
waghfirlee wal muslimeen.
Sami Yusuf
Just as i was logging in, Sami Yusuf came on TV with his song 'hasbi rabbi'. The clip is inspiring and gives off a sense of easiness. It shows him in a suit in the morning heading off to work using the train. Having a chat to an elderly man next to him, an elderly lady gets on the train and he happily offers him her seat. After work, he engages in music lessons. It just shows that Muslims are able to integrate into western society. I don't know, every time i see that clip I just love being a Muslim. He looks so happy!
Oh yeah, good news! I've been offered a job so i'm very happy! Won't disclose whereabouts. But it's for an international organisation. I cruised through the interview. They want me to start as soon as possible.
Suicide blast again in Kabul. According to my limited comprehension of Dari, as i understand it on Afghan news it said that 2 little kids have died and 2 other girls injured. It went off at 730am. We heard the blast! AGAIN.... demoralising.. not fair at all!!!! Two US soldiers also shot dead outside Puleh Charkhi prison by Afghan Soldiers. Or were they disguised as soldiers? hmmm...
Sister's engagement is going to be held soon.
Speaking of which, her in laws have just arrived. Knocking on the door. They're here to set the engagement date and discuss engagement matters. Must go make tea.
Ba omideh deedaar khuda negahdaaar... :-)
Saturday, 5 May 2007
Daydreaming in La la land

Whose footstep is this?
Whose shadow is this?
There was a knock at my heart;
who entered here?
My happiness killed me
God, it killed me...
I hid every sorrow;
with laughter I bore each injustice.
I even embraced thorns,
and was wounded by flowers.
Yes, but when I raised my hands in prayer,
I begged God for you!
God, I begged for you!
There was a knock at my heart;
who entered here?
Happiness comes this night; a resplendent wedding procession has arrived.
An ocean of sadness, having welled in the eyes, was slowly checked.
Despair spread even in their happiness, wrapping her in the shadow of pain.
Taking memories of past moments, going with heavy steps,
the heart wept and the eyes welled up; the spirit cried out.
Those childhood memories,
those bonds and those affections,
those promises of everlasting love
Laughing, making him laugh, fighting and then making up;
each and every moment of love, burning like a lamp in my heart —
I am taking it with me, I am taking it with me, I am taking it with me!
Ba omideh deedaar, khuda negahdaar....
A Friday in Kabul (in pictures)

Went out to Tapeh Nadershah's tomb. On Fridays (national holiday) everyone comes out to fly their kites. Mainly boys. But I went too and there was nothing wrong, everyone's too occupied with flying their kites and defeating each others kites by cutting the thread of their opposition.
ba omideh deedaar, khuda negahdaar.
Another late but fascinating one
Suicide bomb #4 in Kabul went off yesterday killing one and injuring fourteen. Wednesday night Abdul Sabur Farid (one of Hekmatyars’ former commanders) and present senator was shot dead as he was leaving his house to go to the mosque. May God forgive him.
Woke up this morning thinking I’m in my bedroom at home. *Sigh*
I’ve been busy daydreaming about the doco I am currently working on. I’ve approached Tolo Tv journalists etc to help me out as my Dari sucks. So far, I have received positive feedback! I will reveal more once the project has had a start.
Have another job interview on Sunday (yes everywhere is open. Isn’t that strange?)
After spending over two months in Afghanistan if one asked me the following question
Should you live in Afghanistan?
If you’re a woman, only if you’re willing to live a hard life! If you’re a man, then by all means – it’s your world! Let me explain why.
If you’re a woman, simple things is done in absolute difficulty like driving, shopping, taking up a career, tertiary education (Kabul University- female population is 22%) and the list goes on.
If you’re a man, your in luck! All the aforementioned is easily accessible for men.
My proposed solution is for all the women to come out of their homes, fathers to have some sense knocked into their heads and allow for their daughters to be educated and to take up careers. Islam gives women this right, who are men to take it away?
It’s the lack of female presence which creates such difficulty for afghan women who live in Afghanistan to create a living for themselves. It’s also the very same reason why most Afghan women who come from abroad are scared away- lack of female presence. Or so I think…
Tuesday, 1 May 2007
I'm sorry...
Perhaps what you heard may not be exactly what you wish to have heard, but my
answer was based on what you had stated. I don't want to make your past seem as
though it's haunting you. You seemed like an excellent person and I
sincerely wish you all the best in your future endeavours. I may never be able to tell you this due to cultural impediments, but i hope someday you'll understand that certain people aren't made for you- not me. I pray that God heals your wounds and ends your pain and may you successfully complete your journey in finding your soul mate.Finally found some time to put in the latest entry. Well, there isn't much to put in anyways. Not much has been happening, at least not that i can disclose.
I'll hook up some photoes soon!
No bombings or attacks ended up taking place at the festival. What a shame I didn't go! We ended up going to Paghman on the day as we were invited over there for lunch.
Good news! One of my girls is shopping for me in Perth, yay! Love you, B.B. Can't wait to recieve it!
Been notified by university that i am due for graduation this semester. Wonder if i will be able to attend my graduation. Hmmm....
All else is good, i miss Farkhunda HEAPS!
Will enter more soon.
Ba omideh something interesting happens.. khuda negahdaar