Monday 29 October 2007

Pitch black Paghman

The black mountains of Paghman overshadowed us as the driver accelerated faster on the narrow road, swerving left and right avoiding oncoming traffic. My family picked me up after work and we went to Paghman. Yes i was freaking out. but at the same time, i felt it would be exciting. We had a great time!

Bought kebabs on the way, got there when it was dark, visited a relative. Returned home.

I'm not in the mood for subjective writing so u'll have to excuse me.

Got a medical check up done today, getting results later today. Been driving around in work vehicle all day which i hate coz it's like saying 'hey mr taliban, check me out. i work for your enemies, come and get me!' i'd rather catch cabs all day! okay, not really!

I found a new trick to avoid the stupid Afghan guards flirtation at the checkpoints. TALKING ENGLISH ON MY PHONE! it really works. i called a friend and started chatting, they checked my ID cards without saying a word!The US troops started a conversation with me in the middle of nowhere, so i was polite. They were really nice and asked if i wanted them to escort me out til my vehicle. I declined nicely but gave the afghan guards the 'dont ever mess with me again' look. I think they got the point.

Okies, back to work!

ba omideh deedaar, khuda negahdaar.

H.A- i try to deter from politics as much as i can but it's the only interesting thing that happens here. How's the election campaign going? I read the debate transcript with Johnny Boy and Kevin Rudd. What are the polls showing? okay okay fine, no more politics. Your right about my blog being political i just scrolled down and saw the past few blogs have been all politics.

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