School girls- the uniform is the same all over.
Just outside Kabul City Centre (shopping centre), Share Naw

British CF on foot as a child cries on..

this is the most coolest thing ever, on a hot day as your walking on the road and come across cucumbers... mmmm.. look closely, you'll see the knives and the salt. Self serve at it's best, kabul style! This is how one person supports his/her whole family.

Oh do i hate this place or what? it's full of men and extremely crowded. must have a lot of patience for a place like this. not to mention stalkers.

inside Kabul city centre, it's a hotel and shopping centre!!

yep, the cars outnumber the people. this is what they call driving.

Freshly baked bread, the smell makes a full stomach hungry! the beauty about it is that theres a bakery only walking distance from any house.

Afghan jewelry, the best in the world!

Fruit stalls at night, no street lights, so they use the lanterns.

a woman in a chadari...

Years since his death, Masood looks on and is widely loved.

Kabul Serena HOtel... shocked? me too!

Kabul Serena Hotel- an absolute beauty.
Very remarkable pictures. thanks for posting Atash jaan.
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