Sunday, 17 June 2007

Two bombs in 2 Days in KABUL CITY

I’m in the office right now. To my left there are two of my colleagues going on with the formalities. I have my headphones on, listening to my music. Right now, Pussycat Dolls are playing (not my favourite, but it’s good enough).

DAMN… I heard another explosion just this very second! The windows shattered and it went BOOM.

Okay, it was Wolayat- some place really close to the office. And yes, I’m freaked out! I feel like an idiot because everyone else is so calm and I’m sitting here scared to death.

I called dad to see if he’s okay, he didn’t even hear the explosion.

This is the second one in 2 days in Kabul city! This is not right at all! And another one went off in Mazari Sharif yesterday.

Okay we just got a security report, this morning it was a bomb planted on a bus. So far five INNOCENT civilians have been seen carried away. It’s still way too early to know if they’re dead or injured.

<-- this is studying- Kabul style (on the floor)

Last nights entry:

I’m working on assignments and studying for exams. You would have no clue how I’m coping.n the corner leaning on suitcases, sitting on a bag of clothes and listening to the radio.

Ahesta beroo, maahe mann ahesta beroo.

To me, this song has always been a sad song. It’s the song to which an Afghan bride and groom makes their first entrance as a married couple during their wedding. no smiles. The bride and groom walk in. bride’s eyes are glued to the floor, walking like a zombie while her husband stares straight ahead at nothing in particular.

The song to which many helpless girls take dreaded steps into a horrific new life- forced marriages. I don’t understand the lyrics, but I find it upsetting.

Anyways, today another suicide blast took place. I was at the office (it was my day off, but I went to do some university research) when I got a security alert. I’ve been anticipating it. Four dead and four injured. The suicide bomber was aiming for the ISAF convoy but killed innocent people instead. ISAF immediately reacted, shooting and killing one. People have started demonstrating, and I’m freaked out that our offices may be targeted like last time- it was set on fire.

It’s just not fair at all for the Afghan people!

And I feel like a complete idiot, not being able to do anything except pick up after them once they lose their family members.

Not good enough!

My sister’s engagement party is coming up soon. I don’t know why, but I would rather spend the money on something more productive like helping the poor and needy. But it’s up to her. I just don’t like the idea of $20 000 weddings/engagement parties when there are people dying right next door.

Ironically, I get a lecture from my grandfather about excessive spending on clothes- something he called a waste!

Work is going well. I’ve taken a more serious approach, I don’t tolerate no rubbish from anyone. I don’t get along with most of the nationals so I just hang out with the internationals. They really look out for me, and I really appreciate it! They give me advise when I really need it and I know they won’t be taking advantage of me at all. Unfortunately, our locals aren’t like that. And I’m not willing to sacrifice anything.
With the locals and nationals- ITS PURE BUSINESS!

Anyways, I gotta head back to my assignment it’s nearly 10pm and I haven’t gotten anything done, I just hope the power doesn’t go off.

Ba omideh deedaar… khuda negahdaar

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