Saturday 17 March 2007

Silence and Tears...

Hurt. Anger. Frustration. Tears. Empty. Numb. Drained. Lifeless.

My emotions for the day. I cried a lot. Got home, took a shower. Sat and thought... and thought... and thought... about nothing and everything all at once.
I spoke to Kaka B for the first time since i left Australia. As Afghans would say, goloonem porr bood. I was frozen though. I couldn't say anything. My only response was tears. The line cut sooner than expected.

I don't know if i want to stay in Afghanistan anymore. Things aren't going as planned. My intentions were to help these people, but it looks like others had already planned my trip for me.

Cousins are coming to Afghanistan for New Years Eve, should be interesting. Hope my moods alright by then. doubt it.

Haven't got anything to say. My head is blank and i feel empty and drained. Not sure what will happen. Not sure what to expect.

Ba omideh deedaar, khuda negahdaar.

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