Inside Kabul Shopping Centre. It's huge with classy features! This is at the coffee shop.

It's been alright today! Warmer than other days, but still cold. Started studying.. i'm doing it all online (it's already week 3 of uni). I can hear people outside. Feels awkward hearing people talk Dari all the time, compared to Australia where it was all English. It's womans day today.. yay!
Kabul has a great social atmosphere, there's people everywhere all the time! This place never sleeps. It's also uni and school holidays here, so it's even better! New years is on 21st March, there's a concert organised- should be interesting! Out on the streets, there are police and soldiers in uniform everywhere, to maintain harmony i guess! It's not as bad as they show it on TV. Only problems is that everytime I leave home, i come back with muddy shoes (Argh!).
I miss Australia... I'm starting to appreciate everything i took for granted! But we're settling in alright. Parents bought a Landcruiser with creamy leather interior and Dvd players etc. It's awesome! Some strange reason, the police never stop us at check points instead, they salute us and wave us through. Later i learned that it's because only government officials drive them kind of cars. Wohoo..
Ahmad Shah Masood (an Afghan warrior) is so respected in this place. Six years after his death, his face is everywhere. On cars, on huge bulletins, a monument has been built for him in the heart of Kabul. I watched a documentary of his life the other day, and he truly is a fighter! Dads cousin was a close friend of his, fought with him side by side. He recalls Masood as being very laid back and was ready to face the enemy. (an American fighter jet just flew over)
Another icon I admire is Ahmad Zahir (the Elvis of Afghanistan). Twenty odd years has passed since his death and his music is still heard by young and old. I'm hoping to visit his grave that was destroyed by the 'Taliban'. His songs are powerful and deep. I'll post a few lyrics on here when I get them translated.
We visited my grandparents house which dad spent his teenage years. It was only down the road from Ahmad Zahirs house, where dad saw him and his wife many times going for walks.
That's all i can think of for now. My hands are frozen already... must go and watch news, see the latest happenings.
Ba Omideh deedar, khuda negahdaar!
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