What does it mean to be engaged
To one you love so much?
It’s open arms and gentle words --
A reassuring touch.
It’s knowing that you have someone
Who never turns away,
Who laughs with you and dries your tears,
Your partner night and day.
It’s opening your very soul
Where all you faults are bared.
It’s joining of two loving hearts,
Commitment made and shared.
It’s hope for all your days to come
And vows to keep for life.
Engagement means you soon will be
A husband and a wife.
Event: Shirnee dadan (Pre Engagement Ceremony)
Venue: Shaam-e-Paris, Kabul, Afghanistan.
Date: 13th December 2007, 5.00pm
Hair and Make up: Hers- Shugofaan ; His- Skin Deep, Ehab (from Dubai).
The interim engagement ring, until we fly to Dubai for my diamond ring! Bracelet- a gift from my mother in law. She knows my taste exactly as is :)
Saying farewell to our guests.
Cutting the cake with the grand sword! Our cake was the Eiffel tower... oh so grand!
Yep, she's engaged!
Can you believe it? I wore Indian initially before i changed into my dress. Still looked good!
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