Tuesday 6 November 2007

I have a dream...

I've always been big on symbolism. Looking at our flag, i interpreted the three colours- although separate- as merging together to create a nice colour scheme. Perhaps the three primary tribes (Hazara, Pashtun and Tajik) can learn something from the flags they all embrace.

A colleague of mine, somehow found out i was related to Sayyaf. He expressed sincere apprehension towards him saying that his land had been purchased off him 'by force'. I listened. Responding only with a nod and a concerned look. At first he verbally attacked me, to which i calmly responded 'beyadarjan, u can choose your friends but not your family. If he were a friend of mine, i would accept your biased criticism towards me.' This calmed him and he began with his story about how he has deep respect for Sayaf but what he did wasn't fair. I offered my help in any way that i could.

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